Zoom Café for volunteers on the State of the EU debate

torsdag 16 september 2021 16:30 17:30



Are you a together.eu volunteer? Then join our first Zoom Café! 

During this online event, you will exchange in small groups with other volunteers across Europe. It is the opportunity to share your thoughts about the State of the European Union debate happening the day before. Get to know each other and discuss informally with a cup of coffee! 

What is the State of the European Union debate? 

On 15 September, the President of the European Commission delivers the State of the EU address before the European Parliament.

This is a key occasion when the Parliament holds the Commission to account, by taking stock of the past year and by presenting priorities for the year ahead. After outlining the Commission’s work programme for the coming year, the President debates the plans with Members of the European Parliament.

You can watch it on the European Parliament website (all languages) and on Facebook (English).
It will take place between 9 and 13 CET. 

Practical information

  • The Zoom Café is in English only. You will receive a link to the Zoom event once you have registered.

  • The event is limited to 100 participants.

  • This will be our first online café as suggested by many of you during our request for feedback. Depending on the experience, there will be more to come!

More for together.eu volunteers

As a together.eu volunteer, you can also join the Facebook group ‘together.eu – The pan-European volunteers community’. Please make sure you answer the membership questions when requesting to join. 

The group is reserved for together.eu members that have chosen to be actively involved and indicated they want to be a volunteer when subscribing on the website. Even if you are not very active yet as a volunteer, but curious to learn more, you are very welcome to join.

We are looking forward to exchanging with you!