“This human world” online event at the occasion of the award of the European Parliament´s Sakharov Prize 2020

At the occasion of the award of the European Parliament´s Sakharov Prize 2020 to the democratic opposition in Belarus

onsdag 9 december 2020 18:00 21:00



The European Parliament´s Liaison Office in Austria, in cooperation with the human rights film festival “this human world”, organizes an event at the occasion of the award of the European Parliament´s Sakharov Prize 2020 to the democratic opposition in Belarus:

9th December 2020, 18h, online

2020 Shakarov price
"This human world" online event in occasion of the award of the European Parliament´s Sakharov Prize 2020 to the democratic opposition in Belarus 

Movie screening: “Kalinovski Square” by Yury Khashchavatski 

In Minsk people are taking to the streets, the protest is getting louder and louder. It is the year 2006 and in Belarus Lukashenko is re-elected for the third time with over 80% of the votes. The search for an explanation develops into a critique of the state disguised as satire.

(Russian/Belarussian with English subtitles).

Address by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, presidential candidate, 

at the occasion of Human Rights Day

Panel debate: Belarus rising - what´s next? 

  • Andreas Schieder, Member of the European Parliament

  • Iryna Piarvoikina, Belarussian democratic opposition activist in Vienna

  • Vasil Navumau, sociologist, fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), Analyst at the Office of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya 

Moderator: Siobhan Geets, journalist (Profil)

Register to watch until 11/12/2020
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