Citizens' debate with Members of the European Parliament: Player or Pawn in Great Power Politics - where is the EU heading?

tisdag 9 maj 2023 19:00 20:30



On Europe Day, the partner Diskutier mit mir e. V. and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Germany invite you to discuss the EU's role in the world with two Members of the European Parliament: David McAllister, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and Dr Hannah Neumann, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Player or pawn in great power politics? Where is the European Union heading?
The French President Macron's position that Europe must not become "just America's follower" has raised alarms on both sides of the Atlantic bringing the debates about the strategic autonomy of the EU back into focus. Even though the "Brussels effect" shapes regulation worldwide in certain economic and political areas, the lack of influence of the EU in the current international order remains visible. How can the EU's strategic autonomy look like and what does that mean for EU-US relations? Can and does the EU want to play a similarly strong role in world politics in the future as the USA or China do today?


  • Katja-Elisabeth Herrmann Eufracio - Warsaw Institute, Associated Fellow @warsawinstitute

  • David McAllister - Member of the European Parliament, Christian Democratic Union of Germany

  • Dr. Hannah Neumann - Member of the European Parliament, Bündnis 90 / The Greens, Germany

  • Márton Gyöngyösi - Member of the European Parliament, Jobbik - Konzervatívok, Hungary

  • Markéta Gregorová - Member of the European Parliament, PIRÁTI, Czechia

  • Moderator: Mariam Kublashvili, Project leader Talking Europe, Diskutier mit mir e. V.

The event takes place online in the audio-only FORUM X app. The code to access the event will be shared with you via email shortly before the event.

We are looking forward to this debate with you!

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