Elezioni Europee 2024: La Voce dei Giovani

European Elections 2024: Youth’s Voice

četrtek 23. november 2023 09:30 13:00



On November 23rd, 2023, in the framework of the “BUILDEU2” project, financed by the European Parliament (EP) and aimed at increasing Youth participation in the European elections of 2024, it will take place a Conference at the University of Pavia (UniPV) - Aula Foscolo. Three topics will be the main focus of the Conference: 1. DEMOCRACY 2. CLIMATE CHANGE 3. DIGITAL TRANSITION We will reflect on these major themes, starting from the conclusions and proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFE) that concluded its work in May 2022, with the submission of 49 proposals to the European institutions. You’ll have the opportunity to let your mind speak and directly exchange your views with institutional personalities coming from the European Parliament (EP) and the European Commission (EC), as well as with representatives of civil society directly engaged with the concrete opportunities that we are given as Youth living in the European Union (EU).

© Maria Sara Neri