Apply for the Charlemagne Youth Prize

luni 10 ianuarie 2022 10:00
duminică 13 februarie 2022 23:30



Apply for the Charlemagne Youth Prize

 Are you between 16 and 30, living in the EU and working on a project that helps to change Europe? Then you could be the next winner of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize! Submit your project as an individual or as a representative of an organisation/informal group and win up to €7500 to further develop your initiative!

Do you fulfill the criteria from above? Great! Now, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to and choose the language you would like to use to submit the form

  2. Read the rules of the Prize

  3. Fill in all the required data carefully

  4. Submit any attachments or links you find useful to showcase your project

  5. Provide a description of the project you are applying with - be precise! Tell us, what are the objectives of the project? How did you achieve or plan to achieve them? Who is your target audience? How many people did you reach out to? Which countries did the project take place in? How many people worked on making this project a reality? The more precise you are the better chances you have during the evaluation!

You can find information about the prize in all languages here: European Charlemagne Youth Prize (#ECYP2022) | European Parliament European Charlemagne Youth Prize (

You have more questions or would like to get in touch with previous winners?

  • Join the FB group community of former winners from all over Europe and reach them out to ask for their advice and support: Charlemagne Youth Prize | Facebook

  • Rewatch this EYE Online webinar where we explain the rules and we chat with former winners

  • Do you still have questions? Drop us a message at, we are always happy to help!

Submit your project before the 13 of February!