EYE Online: Shaping the Future of Europe: How to ground ideas on reliable sources?

quinta-feira 3 de junho de 2021 12:00 13:00



Do you want to learn new skills? Join us in this exciting workshop! 


The Conference on the Future of Europe is your opportunity to speak up, to say what kind of Europe you want to live in and help shape our future! It is your chance to share your ideas - but on what exactly? How do I know if my idea addresses a field that is among EU competences?What is the state of play in that field? Where can I find relevant sources? And how can I find out if my idea is feasible?

Join an experienced policy analyst from the European Parliament’s research service and gain valuable skills on how to step up your participation in the Conference!


Fabiana Fracanzino

 Fabiana Fracanzino

Schuman Trainee, European Parliamentary Research Service

Silvia Kotanidis

Silvia Kotanidis

Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Service

During the event, we will be using interactive tools to get questions from the audience, so don't hesitate to participate, send us your suggestions, suggestions and comments! 

Make your voice heard!

Do you have an idea? You can share it with us in the Youth Ideas Platform. Just pick up the topic that you prefer and write your thoughts. Do not forget that the future is yours!