Online Violence against women - a new frontier, Europe must protect women and girls to ensure digital democracy

Online VAW Virtual Webinar

ketvirtadienis 2022 m. gegužės 5 d. 15:00 16:00

Nuotolinis renginys



Online Violence against women - a new frontier, Europe must protect young women and girls to ensure digital democracy.

The pandemic has seen alarming, high rates of direct in-person violence against women; and the same goes for gendered on-line violence.  This remains a barrier to recovery post the pandemic, going forward. Online violence was the new frontline and had increased exponentially during the Covid lockdown’s as WUNRN Europe’s work has highlighted. 

This is a bigger problem than initially perceived as it is affects girls as young as 14 engaging on online platforms and hampers ‘online inclusivity.’ Sadia Mir of WUNRN Europe points out that it then creates an economic deficit – widening the pay gap and extends to a ‘democratic deficit,’ where women are deterred from expressing their democratic choices, opinions and freedoms. Women need to feel safe online as this is a digitalised piece of their democracy. 

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