Vote with her

renew your gaze

csütörtök 2024. június 20. 11:45
péntek 2024. július 5. 11:45



Project Vote with her: Tuesday, May 28, in the spaces of the Pangea Association located in Rome, Italy, took place the closing of Agency Project “Vote with her”, with the support of the European Parliament, coordinated by the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) – in collaboration with femLENS. The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in Italy, Sonia Brito; the Venezuelan activist Doris Theys; the president of the DUN psychological support for women victims of trafficking Barbara Massimilla, Silvana Profeta director representative of the audiovisual center of the workers' movement and the vice-president of Pangea, Simona Lanzoni, as well as an large audience receptive to immigration. In a wide-ranging discussion and with the planned interventions, the change makers Hadia and Tahmina Ibra him Khel, YoselinA Guevara Lopez, Basira Taheri and Fatima Zahara El harch that taked part of the project recounted their experience of using the “Photovoice” and how this method helps to build bridges and, therefore, to create contact and inclusion, facilitating encounters and leading to new approaches that promote knowledge of cultural diversity and political participation. The objective of the Agency project expressed it purpose during that day and promote the political participation of migrant women to encourage citizens to participate in the European Parliament Elections in June. A total of 37 people took part in the event that day.

© Maria Grazia Granati