Mercosur & the EU - What Brings the future?

Dé Máirt 22 Meitheamh 2021 18:00 19:00

Ar líne

An Ghearmáin

What we are going to talk about

Mercosur & the EU - What Brings the future? 

In June 2019, a trade agreement with the Mercosur countries (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Uruguay) was reached. Since then, news about the high use of pesticides, the danger for food safety and the increasing environmental impact of extensive agriculture in the regions have been accumulating. Paris in particular has increased the pressure, officially due to environmental concerns. At the same time, the Portuguese Presidency is pursuing the goal of moving the agreement forward. What could we expect by the end of the Presidency? What does the delay mean for the general relationship with the trade bloc and is the agreement compatible with the fight against climate change? And most importantly, could the Brussels effect lead to positive change (e.g. environmental protection in production) in the South American countries?


What is MeetEU?

We are a network of volunteers who participated in the European Parliament's #thistimeimvoting and now campaign. The high voter turnout in the European elections motivated us to stay involved. Why not connect with all these amazing people across Europe? That's why in November 2019 we set up a MeetEU pilot group with people from different European countries to meet on the free online platform Discord. In March 2020 we opened the MeetEU Discord server for all supporters, in April 2020 for the general public. The initial monthly discussions have now become one event per week. Great, the European exchange of ideas is picking up speed!

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Mercosur & the EU - What Brings the future?