Data Protection Basics for Youth

Online roundtable for secondary school pupils and young volunteers from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania

Dé Céadaoin 14 Aibreán 2021 14:00 15:30

Ar líne

An Eastóin
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Find out more about data protection

On Wednesday, 14 April 2021, the EPLO Tallinn will hold an online discussion on data protection for volunteers and Junior Ambassadors of EP Ambassador Schools programme from Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The aim of the discussion is to provide an overview of most relevant data processing requirements that are relevant to young volunteers and activists in various youth organisations, as well as to share experiences and answer questions that may arise within this topic.

The debate will be introduced by MEP Marina Kaljurand, who will give an overview of the most important principles on personal data management and protection in Europe.

Please register to the event on EU Survey here.