Climate education talk with Fridays for Future

Déardaoin 8 Aibreán 2021 18:00 19:30

Ar líne

2 Rannpháirtí
An Ghearmáin

What we are going to talk about

FFF Climate Education Team:

We Demand Climate Education in all European Schools!

Do students understand the climate crisis to its full extent and complexity? The answer is no.

In our exchange we’ll be exploring the tools of developing an elaborate way of fighting the climate crisis.

Climate education has for years been an underrated topic – we’re here to change that once and for all. Join our presentation to find out about our demands and the pressure we plan to put on the European governments.

One does not simply miss out on that!

Who we are:

The Climate Education Team is a group of 80 young activists from 35 European countries, we are part of the Fridays for Future movement. The goal of our project is to get extensive climate education implemented in every educational institution across Europe. Our vision of climate education is a comprehensive curriculum rooted in sustainability and fostering humanity’s connection to nature. It aims to provide a holistic understanding of the ongoing climate and biodiversity crisis and its underlying causes and consequences, facilitate the development of sustainable innovations and solutions and empower students to actively engage in creating a just, sustainable society.

In cooperation with scientists we have formulated six main demands about climate education aimed at the governments of European countries. During our presentation we will present our long-term plans and visions about climate education.

This event is going to take place on WebEx. You will get the link after your registration.

What is MeetEU?

We are a network of volunteers who participated in the European Parliament's #thistimeimvoting and now campaign. The high voter turnout in the European elections motivated us to stay involved. Why not connect with all these amazing people across Europe? That's why in November 2019 we set up a MeetEU pilot group with people from different European countries to meet on the free online platform Discord. In March 2020 we opened the MeetEU Discord server for all supporters, in April 2020 for the general public. The initial monthly discussions have now become one event per week. Great, the European exchange of ideas is picking up speed!

Find out more on how to join the event on 

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