Saving United Europe – by Fixing the Election Process

Talk with MEP Daniel Freund

mardi 18 mai 2021 20:00 21:00

En ligne

2 Participants

Join the discussion here at 8pm CET: 

What we are going to talk about

Do elections for the European Parliament lack a focus on Europe? Discuss this with Daniel Freund, member of the European Parliament since 2019.

In our talk we will zero in on two specific proposals to improve the election process of the Europen Parliament: First, the introduction of „Transnational Electoral Lists“, a concept that has been in the making since the ´90s. Second, the introduction of „Transnational Campaign Platforms“, an idea developed by the MeetEU team and submitted as a proposal to the Conference on the Future of Europe platform.

In our talk with Daniel Freund we expect to hear firsthand from a frontline politician how he rates the pros and cons of these proposals as well as the likelihood of their adoption.

Join our talk at 20:00 CEST to listen in and bring your thoughts to the table. This event will take place on Webex. 

What is MeetEU?

We are a network of volunteers who participated in the European Parliament's #thistimeimvoting and now campaign. The high voter turnout in the European elections motivated us to stay involved. Why not connect with all these amazing people across Europe? That's why in November 2019 we set up a MeetEU pilot group with people from different European countries to meet on the free online platform Discord. In March 2020 we opened the MeetEU Discord server for all supporters, in April 2020 for the general public. The initial monthly discussions have now become one event per week. Great, the European exchange of ideas is picking up speed!

Find out more on how to join the event on 

Saving United Europe – by Fixing the Election Process