Exclusive insights into the European Parliament's campaign for the European Elections 2024 (participate online)

What tools will Parliament provide for you to use in your communication about the election?

vendredi 8 septembre 2023 16:00 17:30

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Use the present page to register to participate online and speak at the event remotely. You will receive the participation link shortly before the event via email. Registrations close on Friday, 8 September at 3:30 PM.
If you want to attend this hybrid event in person at the European House Berlin (Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin, Germany (next to the Brandenburg Gate)), then please use this link to register.

The non-partisan administration of the European Parliament has been working on its institutional campaign for the European Elections from 6 to 9 June 2024 for over a year. Now it is time to give interested multipliers, civil society, government bodies, the together.eu community, politicians, journalists, teachers and citizens exclusive insights into what is coming.

Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament (Greens) will illustrate the steps that the political parties take for their political campaigns: European partys' manifestos, resolutions of the political groups in the European Parliament, national manifestos, party conventions, nominations of the Spitzenkandidaten, decisions on the electoral lists, campaigning, campaigning, campaigning.

Stephen Clark, Director for all 29 European Parliament Liaison Offices will explain how stakeholders can use the elements and tools of the institutional campaign that the European Parliament provides - and when to expect them: grants, the election logo, visual identity and social media templates, the election slogan, give-away items, a pledge to vote website, brochures, trainings, role play games, information on how to vote from abroad, billboards, TV and radio ads, the together.eu volunteer community with over 127 000 members EU-wide, and so much more.

Georg Pfeifer, Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Germany will respond to Germany-specific questions.

Ask your questions and to give your opinion on the campaign elements by rating on your smartphone. The goal that unites us all is to increase voter turnout. Voter turnout is not everything, but without voter turnout everything is nothing. So join us for this event.

Schedule on Friday, 8 September 2023:
4:00: Presentations and Q&A
5:30: End of the event

Event language: English, no interpretation

Photos and videos will be taken at the event that will be saved, edited and published. With your registration you consent to this.

Registration for people, who do not yet have a together.eu account: Welcome!

1) Fill-in your name, email, etc. above and click on "Register".

2) You will receive an email with a link to confirm the creation of your account. Open the link. By doing so you created your together.eu account AND at the same time you registered to this event.

3) Done. We are looking forward to seeing you. You will now automatically receive an email with your password for your together.eu account and an email with the confirmation of your registration for this event. You will receive the together.eu newsletter that will follow up to this event and will keep you informed about the next steps of the European Parliament's electoral campaign. If you do not wish to receive the together.eu newsletter you will be able to opt out any time, for example by clicking on the link at the bottom of the next newsletter.

Registration for people who already have a together.eu account: Welcome back!

In case you are not yet logged in in this browser: Click on "Already a member? Log in here". After logging in click on "Register" to register for this event. Done.

In case you are already logged in in this browser: Click on "Register" to register for this event. Done.