Customer engagement at a crossroad between consumer protection, data protection and innovation

FEDMA Annual Event

Customer engagement has undoubtedly evolved over the years: while in the past, simply providing a quality product or service was enough, nowadays, the goal is to offer a tailored and personalized experience beyond the point of purchase. Marketers increasingly rely on data and analytical tools to interact with customers through a variety of online and offline channels (mail, email, websites, social media, offline advertising, etc.). While studies show consumers want personalization, it can nevertheless raise concerns when the logic behind it and the benefits that come with it aren’t clear nor transparent enough. In this context, and despite the extensive body of EU data protection law to provide data subjects with transparency and agency over the use of their personal data, the European Commission has launched two initiatives – the Fitness check on EU consumer law and the Voluntary pledges on cookies, consumer empowerment and digital advertising – to explore possible solutions on the perceived lack of control over an increasingly personalized online experience from a consumer perspective. To address this situation, FEDMA will organize a high-level presentation & panels on Tuesday 20 June to discuss crucial aspects of consumer protection: • Should consumer policy fix the apparent shortcomings of data protection? If so, how? • Is the future of customer engagement a non-personalized customer experience? • What lies next for the right for industries to serve best their customers and potential prospects?

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