Mental Health and “Social” Media

Freitag 7. Oktober 2022 10:00 12:00



What do you do on social media? How much time are you online? Can you imagine your life without them? TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Snapchat… People spend a lot of time on these platforms. In these platforms, people make friends, interact and spend more and more time – either for personal or professional reasons. Young people are especially present on social media. How can it change their life? How? What are the positives and the negatives? How does social media shape their life and well-being? We want to start the discussion and listen to young people’s stories. An expert will be present to explain their findings and give some tips that have worked for the young people they helped. Interested? We hope so! Join us to discuss and share your story and tips to find the right balance. This event is organised within the framework of the European Year of Youth. International Sign and speech to text in English are provided. Agenda Event Moderator: Dominique de Marnée, Outgoing Member of EDF’s Youth Committee member representing Mental Health Europe) Welcome Statement by Kamil Goungor, outgoing Chair of the EDF’s Youth Committee representing the European Network on Independent Living Panel discussion: - Lucia Kleekmamm, Mental Health Crowd - Antonela Bugeja, self-advocate - Lysiane Pons, Euro Youth Mental Health - Stacy Featherstone, Meta Open the floor to public

© European Disability Forum/Natalia Suaréz
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