Bragança 2023 - 41st National Selection Conference of EYP Portugal

Celebrating Progress, Embracing the Future: Harnessing the Legacy of Europe 2020 for a Brighter Tomorrow for European Youth

Mittwoch 6. September 2023 11:00
Sonntag 10. September 2023 19:00

Around 130 youngsters will meet in Bragança to discuss pressing matters regarding Europe's actuality. They will be divided into groups representing different committees of the European Parliament, each with a topic to discuss, brainstorm, and build a motion for resolution upon. The event will start with Team Building for the participants to get to know each other, followed by intense days of Committee Work, in which the resolutions will be built. On the last day, there will be a General Assembly in which each committee will have an opportunity to present their work, discuss it with everyone and vote whether it should be approved or not. The objective of the event is to develop an interest in young people for political and social discussion, as well as for the democratic decision processes. This forum will be an important platform for political debate, intercultural exchange, social education and knowledge sharing, giving an opportunity to youngsters from all across Europe to get to know the democratic processes that rule the single market and influence the countries they live in, as well as to develop a wide variety of soft skills. The theme of the event is: ""Celebrating Progress, Embracing the Future: Harnessing the Legacy of Europe 2020 for a Birghter Tomorrow for European Youth". It captures the essence of what the European Youth Parliament stands for. The session is a platform to reflect on the achievements of Europe 2020 and to celebrate the progress made towards a better future for all European citizens. The theme highlights the importance of harnessing the legacy of Europe 2020 and leveraging its success to create a brighter tomorrow for the next generation of European youth. By embracing the future, we are demonstrating our commitment to ensuring that the voice of young people is heard and that they play an active role in shaping the future of Europe.

© Associação Portuguesa - P.E.J.
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