Model European Union Warsaw

eurVote eurFuture event

четвъртък 11 април 2024 г. 17:00 ч.
неделя 14 април 2024 г. 16:00 ч.

Model European Union Warsaw is an annual international conference where participants from all over Europe gather to simulate the ordinary legislative procedure which is the standard procedure for all decision-making in the European Union. The goal of the Model EU is to give participants a chance to learn about the workings of the European Union through a hands-on simulation. Participants will play roles of Ministers in the Council of the EU and Members of the European Parliament and work on two proposals which will be presented by a selected Commissioner. Participants have to debate the proposal from the perspective of a fraction or country that they will be randomly selected to. The MEPs and the representatives of the Council of the European Union help each other to develop amendments, vote on them and add them to the original proposal.  Expert facilitators will provide guidance and support to ensure that participants have the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of parliamentary procedures and effectively advocate for their positions. Simulation will be a great opportunity to better comprehend the challenges involved in the decision-making process of the European Union, improve public speaking skills, as well as negotiation and debating skills of the participants. This meeting is a part of the eurVote eurFuture project and during the conference information about European Parliament and EU elections in June will be distributed. We hope that conference will equip participants with valuable knowledge about EU institutions, policies, and the importance of democratic participation and help them to make an informed decisions at the ballot box in June 2024. This year’s conference is taking place on the 11th-14th of April at the University of Warsaw.

© Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana
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