Inclusive Societies and Inclusive Institutions within the EU

сряда 22 май 2024 г. 15:00 ч. 16:00 ч.



Given the upcoming European elections, this webinar addresses the relevance of inclusive societies and institutions for shaping safe, just, and sustainable futures for all.

We especially invite youth representatives to share their achievements to contribute to needs-orientated, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making processes at all levels and protect fundamental freedoms within the EU. The achievements aim to inspire a broad public to stand up for inclusion and democracy with regard to the elections and beyond.

SDSN will host three webinars, each dedicated to one of the following topics: Mobility, Net Zero, and Inclusive Societies. Each webinar will feature a keynote speaker and a panel presenting inspiring examples of policies, projects, and initiatives that have had a positive impact on our lives and that would not have been there if it were not for the EU. By spotlighting tangible cases and successes, we seek to highlight the significance of active participation in European elections, illustrating how each vote contributes to shaping a resilient and enduring European Union.

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