Come Together

From awareness to action

сряда 29 ноември 2023 г. 17:00 ч. 19:00 ч.

Learn, exchange, network. Come Together is back with a new meet-up. For this upcoming Come Together event, we have invited Strategic Communication Expert Debora Paolini to provide us with insights on how we can effectively communicate to drive real change. The event is part of the Come Together Associations Network. The last Wednesday of every month, we host a session for non-profit organisations to network and to learn together how to better communicate. Each session has a different topic, we invite speakers on issues such as social media, fundraising, newsletter, or impactful communication. Come Together is a project funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Integration and Family affairs. All Luxembourg-based non-profits (A.s.b.l.) are invited to join our monthly meetings where we learn and grow together in a collaborative and friendly environment.

© ARA International Community Radio A.s.b.l.
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